Terms & Conditions
Legal Notice & Privacy Statement
1 Application
1.1 These legal notices apply to your use of rubricwhetstone.com (‘the website’), which is owned and operated by GM London, Units 1-3 Wimbledon Stadium Business Centre, Riverside Road, London, England, SW17 0BA
1.2 By accessing, browsing or submitting data to the website you agree to be bound by these terms and to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
1.3 If you do not accept these terms in full, then you do not have permission to access the contents of the website and therefore should cease using it immediately.
2 Material on the site
The material in this website is for general information only. Appropriate professional advice should be taken before taking or refraining from action based on it. GM London accepts no liability for any reliance upon the contents of this website. You may access other websites from the website and this website may refer to other websites. GM London accepts no liability in connection with any other website.
3 Copyright and trade marks
3.1 In consideration of agreeing to your use of the website, you acknowledge that the ownership in any intellectual property rights (including, for the avoidance of doubt, copyright) in the website belongs to GM London. Accordingly, any part of the website (or its source code) may not be used, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner other than for the purposes of utilising the website meaning that you may only display it on your computer screen and print it out on your printer for the sole purpose of viewing its content.
3.2 You may only use the trademarks featured on the website for the purpose of displaying the website on your computer screen or printing out the website on your printer in accordance with the previous paragraph.
4 Links
4.1 We do not make any warranties, representations or undertakings about the content of any other website which may be referred to or accessed by hypertext link from the website, and we do not endorse or approve the content of such third party websites.
4.2 Other websites wishing to link the website from their websites must contact GM London (info@gmlondon.com) and may only do so once they are in receipt of written authorisation.
5 Liability
Please be aware that to the extent permitted by law, we do not accept liability in respect of the website or your use of it.
6 Jurisdiction
Use of the website is subject to the laws of England and Wales, and the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
7 Privacy statement
The Data Protection Act 1998 (‘the Act’) is designed to protect individuals about whom information is entered and stored on computer and other systems. Accordingly, it lays down strict standards of accuracy, relevance and care of such data including how it may be divulged. Any data about individuals you enter onto our website directly or include in any message to us will be subject to the Act and you are responsible for its accuracy and relevance and must have the authority to disclose it and for us to utilise it for the purposes of any arrangements concluded for or by you through this website. Utilising the data for such purposes may involve the transfer outside the European Economic Area of data which you have given to us. If you are in any doubt about any data please feel free to e-mail us with details of the problem first.
Cookie Usage
About Cookies
Cookies are small text files, typically made up of words and numbers, that are placed on the device you are using by websites that you visit.
Cookies do a variety of useful jobs and are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently and provide information to the owners of the site.
This website sets a range of cookies including analytical cookies that enable Google Analytical software to work. We use Google Analytics to collect information that helps us to accurately calculate the number of visitors to our website and see how these visitors move around the site when they are using it.
These cookies may collect the IP address of your device but do not collect or store personal information that can identify you as a visitor. This information can only be seen by the relevant teams at GM London, TGV Design and Google and never shows any confidential information.
The data collected by these cookies is anonymous and is used to improve how our website works and the services we offer to our customers.
Cookies we use
We use the following four Google Analytical performance cookies:
- utma This enables us to ascertain the number of unique visitors to our site and is updated with each page view. The cookie remains in existence for a period of 2 years either from initial creation or a subsequent update.
- utmb This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session on our site. Each time a user visits a different page this cookie updates for a further 30 minute period. The cookie then remains in existence for a further 30 minutes, either from initial creation or a subsequent update.
- utmc This cookie operates in conjunction with the -utmb cookie to determine whether or not to establish a new session for the user. The cookie remains in existence until you have closed your browser.
- utmz This cookie stores the type of referral used by the visitor to reach your site, whether via a direct method, a referring link, a website search, or a campaign such as an ad or an email link. It is used to calculate search engine traffic, ad campaigns and page navigation within your own site. The cookie is updated with each page view and expires 6 months from initial creation or a subsequent update.
Click here for more information about the cookies used by Google Analytics.
Content Management
Cookies are set by the Content Management System (CMS) that we use to edit the content on our website. This allows our CMS to determine if the person accessing the site is a site administrator so that, when logged in, they can perform quick edits on a page.
Interest-based advertising
These cookies allow third parties to identify what you find popular, allowing a more personalised and relevant selection of advertisements to be displayed when you browse the internet. They normally won’t just be from us, but build an overall, but anonymous, picture of an individuals preferences based how they have browsed the internet, in order to deliver more relevant advertising.
Google Ads manages display advertising around the site, and gathering data for targeted advertising.
Managing cookies
Most web browsers will allow some management of cookies via your browser settings.
For further information about managing cookies, please visit www.aboutcookies.org.
For further information about cookies, please visit www.allaboutcookies.org